Friday, June 26, 2009

Sounds from the Farm (and some thanks)

To even believe that I really live on a farm is taking a step of faith for those of you who knew me “before MG.” Some things are so priceless, though, I had to share them. The city slickers will have to just use their imaginations… : )

Last night Doug went out to feed the chickens and change their water, collect eggs, etc. I peek out the window, and see Doug, carrying his wares, Moose tagging along, and 18 chickens madly running to keep up with my husband’s long stride. If you’ve never seen a chicken run, it’s hilarious. I mean belly-laugh-oh-my-gosh-I’m-going-to-pee-my-pants hilarious. As least for us former city slickers!

This morning, at the crack of dawn, I wake up. The dogs have to go outside and go potty, so off we go. I remember people always saying they move out to the country for the peace and quiet. Peace, yes. Definitely. Quiet?? Not so much. The first thing I hear is a cock-a-doodle-quaaack quack quack quack quack. I just had to chuckle. Then, I’m taken aback by the frogs and crickets…SO loud! The birds are swooping and chirping and singing, I hear sheep baa-ing (okay, now THAT’S a word). Ya know, what really surprised me about sheep is how LOUD they are! They almost sound like cows!

Then I hear this crazy, warbling that I believed to be a bird of some sort. Maybe a “I’m not a morning person” bird, or maybe just a bird with something rather large stuck in its throat. Anyway. All of this was in about 3 minutes while I stood outside waiting for the dogs. (Didn’t want to go up the steps twice with how I’m feeling!) But again, a little blessing in the mess…I wouldn’t have stood out there to notice all the cool and crazy things that go on at daybreak on a farm. And I’m so glad I didn’t miss it! (Everyone who TRULY lives on or works a farm is laughing at slept past daybreak???? We're DONE with chores by then!)

So I’m off to Ann Arbor today. Doug and I are now thinking that Dr. Teener may change my medication. I’m on CellCept, which has been a miracle…so I’m a little wary, so please pray for wisdom. I think he would put me on Imuran, which is to MG what Prozac is to depression. An oldie but a goodie, I guess.

Thank you Shawn, for taking Jacob yesterday, and making sure we were okay before you left to continue on with your busy day. Thank you Leigh and Barb, for coming to pray with me. I felt a calm come over me when you’re were praying that I know can ONLY come from the Lord. It completely changed my mood and attitude. Thank you for caring enough to come over and pray. It meant a lot. Thank you to all my other dear, dear friends, who even though you have your own struggles, you continue to pray me through mine. I love you all.

1 comment:

Young Wife said...

Prayers are going up!

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