Sunday, October 14, 2012

Book Review: Because You Care

" 'I couldn't do what you're doing for him,' a friend says.... You can express that reason in a single sentence: 'I do it because I care.' "

And so begins one of the most touching, beautiful books I have ever read.  I suppose it's especially so because it's about caregivers, like my husband.  Parts of it were difficult to read, almost like I was spying into the mind of my husband, because he has cared for me since the second we were married, and will have to continue to do so for the rest of my life.

Like Cec Murphey and Twila Belk, and so many others to tell their stories in this book, it goes back to their wedding vows:  "In sickness or in health, til death do we part."  They said it, and they meant it.  My husband said it, and he meant it. And I'm so thankful he did.

Because You Care: Spiritual Encouragement for Caregivers is a gift book that any caregiver would love.  It's encouraging, it's supportive, it's a little sad without being depressing.  At the end of the book there are practical suggestions for the caregiver.  One of my favorites from MY perspective as one being cared for is, "Don't let the person you love 'become the disease.'  That is, remind yourself that the person is more important than the task."

My favorite for the caregiver is, "Ask for help when you need it.  Don't wait until you are exhausted or sick.  Ask now.  You don't have to be superwoman or superman; you only have to be human."

You can get all the information about the authors and how to get this wonderful book by clicking HERE.

Oh, and I would be remiss if I failed to mention the amazing photography by Betty Fletcher in this book.  It is truly stunning.

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