Thursday, May 31, 2012

Did Anyone Get the Number of That Bus?

Okay.  Had my first pheresis yesterday in 2 months.  First, let's get a big hoo-rah for making it 2 months!!!  AND I WALKED all the way to the out-patient department from the parking ramp.  I have NEVER. BEEN. ABLE. TO. DO. THAT.  Whoo!

But this morning....oh my word.  I can't type straight, I can't read straight, I can't hardly function.   And Jacob is MORE than full of it today.  Oh the joy of chronic illness.

Be prepared, tomorrow stats June, and National Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month!
That's all I can manage for now. Love to you all!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I'm sorry today is hard. I hope it passes quickly. And I hope your son find ways to entertain himself that are safe, clean, and non-destructive. Or that he sleeps a lot. Which is kind of the same thing.

Best wishes.

Love Changes Everything by Micah Berteau - A Book Review

If you're not familiar with the story of Hosea and Gomer in the Bible, it's really quite shocking.  Here's my brief synopsis...