Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ode To Prednisone

Oh Prednisone, my Prednisone,
I hate you with a passion.
You make me scream and cry and yell,
And you do NOTHING for my fashion.

Oh Prednisone, my Prednisone,
For those who do not understand,
Imagine seeing red one minute
Then bawling to beat the band.

Oh Prednisone, my Prednisone
Whose effects turn faces to moons,
And makes you feel so hungry
You could eat a raw racoon.

Oh Prednisone, my Prednisone
I can't wait til you are gone
Then I will have nothing else
To blame my bad moods on!

Oh Prednisone, my Prednisone
The emotion you evoke.
Sometimes I get so worked up
I think I'll have a stroke!

Oh Prednisone, my prednisone
The mood swings you impart.
Laughing, crying, maddening!
Hot flashes even start.

Oh Prednisone, my prednisone
I cannot live without you...
At least right now, but VERY SOON
With you I will be through.

Oh Prednisone, my prednisone,
It's such a love/hate thing.
Love because you saved my life,
Hate for ruining everything.

Oh Prednisone, my prednisone,
With weight gain and double chin,
I proudly say to you, you beast,
That eventually I WILL WIN!!!!

Reposted from September, 2009

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