Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Poor Baby I don't know how my mom handled seeing me in the hospital for three months not knowing if I would live or die. My kid has gastroenteritis (probably rotovirus) and I'm a basket case. Of course, I don't know how she ever handeled 5 kids when they all had the flu. I'm at my mom's now, in Wildwood. The relief I felt in making it this far was indescribable.

At the point we're just trying to keep Jacob from getting dehydrated. He sips a little water, a little gatorade (won't touch Pedialite)...The improvement from yesterday to today is dramatic.

Yesterday he was so lethargic...he slept for all but about 4 or 5 hours during the 24 hour day. Today he has only slept for about 3...Not exactly back to normal, but definitely looking BETTER. Which is good. Just being here gives me comfort....I mean, it's my MOM! They fix everything. We're here til Friday morning, so if you are a pray-er...PLEASE pray that he continues to get better and better, and that he doesn't dehydrate, and that we don't get it. Traveling 1200 miles with a sickie is NOT on my top ten list, if ya know what I mean.

I will someday look back on this trip and be able to laugh at all the things that went "wrong." But for now, I just want to get home in one piece, and not think about vacation for a while. At least til I get the pictures developed!


Pam said...

Dear sweetie, I understand how you feel, moms are supposed to fix everything, and I am sure you feel better just being there. I am praying for you not to get sick to have the strength you need to get home, and for Doug and little Jacob too,
Hang in there, I love how you write from you Heart. I am doing ok, just tire out easy, I am going to speech therapy tomorrow for a refresher course on how to deal with vocal cord dysfunction. should be interesting...
I love you
Take one moment at a time!

Jenxr77 said...

Awww, poor guy and poor you I know this wasn't the trip you envisioned but it will make for better stories and more vivid memories. I will certainly pray for Jacob. Stock up on the bleach wipes and hand sanitizer and stay well.

Farmhouse Fixers said...

It sounds as if you are being a tremendous support for your little guy. It is so hard when we just can't "fix" the problem. Fall back on God and let him carry most of the load for you. Prayers are headed your way! Be safe and try to get some rest...

Young Wife said...

Oh, no! Hope he's feeling better. Praying you stay healthy!

Corrie Howe said...

I'm reading the blog backwards, so I'm sorry the vacation ended with illness. How scary. I know when my daughter had a rotovirus, she ended up in the hospital.

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