Thursday, December 8, 2011

Last Year At This Time..."Lake effect Snow"

"Lake Effect Snow"
So today I'm linking up with Mama Kat's pretty much world famous writer's workshop.  She sends out writing prompts, and one of them was:  4.) Blast from the Past: What were you writing about last year at this time? Tell us what has changed (if anything) since then.

SO.  First of all, the above picture was taken one year ago.  Today, it's cold, but we have not had any snow yet.  Whoo-Hoo!!  Secondly, I was on my way to the hospital ER about this time last year.  I couldn't breathe.  We're talking full myasthenic respiratory crisis.  I'm talking I could get only 1 or 2 words out per breathe.  Yah.  I called my neurologist thinking he would just jack up the prednisone, but when he heard me on the phone, he told me to go straight to the ER, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00.  He had NEVER heard me that bad in 11 years.

So I had to go to the ER the admitted me, but unfortunately the only doc who knew jack about MG was the ER doc, whose care I was no longer under once admitted.  I was really bummed, because at this point I thought that this was going to be my life.  Using my oxygen, walker, not being able to drive.....

Fast forward a year, and Praise the Lord and Hallelujah I am stronger than I have been since before I had my son. And he's FIVE.  (AND there's no snow yet...BONUS!!)  I can drive myself where I want to go (within reason)...I can even take JACOB somewhere with me!  AMAZING.

I was led (by God, of course) via FACEBOOK of all things to an old (as in lifelong) friend to go to St. Mary's in Grand Rapids, where she was a nurse forever, and see a neuro there. I then got plasmapheresis in a series, like it is supposed to be done, and even though it's horrifying having it done like this (through my veins, 3 times a week, well, 2 now), it's SO worth it.

I wouldn't use the word "remission", because I'm still symptomatic, but what a difference.  In retrospect, this year has FLOWN.

So anyway.  All the glory goes to God.
Now, what are you waiting for?  Link up with Mama Kat and write your heart out!


Betsy said...

To God be the glory, indeed! His grace amazes me.

Unknown said...

It sounds like last year was adventure. I am so glad you ended up getting the help that you needed.

Unknown said...

It sounds like last year was adventure. I am so glad you ended up getting the help that you needed.

Arnebya said...

Wow. So glad you found a dr to trust and do right by you. Glad this year has presented you with new abilities and freedom.

Jerralea said...

Thanks for sharing your story! I'm so glad you got the help you needed and God has helped you.

Since you are doing so much better, who knows what is in store for you in the coming year!

Rachel said...

The last year has been a rough ride, but you've come so far!!
Thank you for letting me ride along on your crazy rollercoaster of a life....Love Ya!!!!

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