Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I have been working on my own .com for what seems like months.  But in reality, it's only been a few weeks.  I'm not computer savvy, really...I mean, I can send email, check facebook, even have a blog.  But to do my own website?  SCARY!

Thankfully, with patience, perseverance, and a ton of phone calls to tech support, I am pleased to introduce you to the new and (hopefully) improved Kerri's Kreations!

I only have a few items in each category, but I will continue to add items as days go by.  I'm hoping to spend a few minutes each day adding things, tweaking here and there...

I want to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me in this endeavor.  It hasn't been the easiest thing to do for me, but nothing really good in life ever comes easy, does it?  I don't think we would value things much if we didn't have to work for them.  That's what I've learned anyway.

So please take a minute to check out the site, and let me know what you think!
Thanks....and Happy New Year!

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Love Changes Everything by Micah Berteau - A Book Review

If you're not familiar with the story of Hosea and Gomer in the Bible, it's really quite shocking.  Here's my brief synopsis...