Monday, January 4, 2010

Blog Resolutions

Or maybe goals is a better word. We were challenged by our SITStahs (check out the button on my sidebar, the Secret is in the Sauce) to come up with 5 things we wanted for our blog in the new year, and 5 things we want to learn. SO....I've been pondering...

1. I really want to "get my blog out there" and get more readers and followers.

2. I want more readers and followers so that I can educate people, and churches, on dealing with chronically ill people.

3. I want to encourage people who have chronic illness, or care for someone with chronic illness. To let them know that although it's tough, God can help you through! You CAN live with chronic illness, and have a great life!

4. I post pretty regularly, unless I am ill, but I want to blog every day, or as close to it as possible!

5. I want to do giveaways.

Five things I want to learn: (there's probably more like 50!)

1. I want to know how to do feeds...I have something going, but I have no idea how it works. I want my blog posts to show up on Twitter and Facebook.

2. I want to learn more about blog design, and to be able to add more stuff to my blog other than the stuff on one sidebar.

3. I want to learn how to hook up with products for giveaways.

4. I want to make my blog as user friendly as possible.

5. I want to learn how to give (and receive : ) blog awards.

It's going to be an awesome year!!

1 comment:

Young Wife said...

What great resolutions! You can sign up with MyBlogSpark for giveaways and product reviews. My blog posts show up on Twitter through a setting in Word Press. It's a nice feature. Word Press does it automatically for me every time I post.

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