Friday, January 8, 2010


Okay, for those of you who can just decide to go on vacation, throw a few things in a bag and go: I hate you. In the nicest possible way of course. Due to having a 3 year old that will NOT go on the potty (I've tried everything but boot camp, and I'm not sure I could handle that), and my health issues, we need to rent a dang U-Haul for diapers, wipes and medical supplies. I take 22 pills a day including my vitamins (mostly prescription). I need a months supply of all of those. that's 660 pills. Have to keep them separate, so it's about 17 pill bottles. Some of the pills are huge, ergo the bottles are huge.

Then add the wedge that I have to sleep on, 3 pillows, (since I can't lay flat and still breathe), my oxygen concentrator and compressor....My suction machine, all the spare parts, my nebulizer, spare parts, saline and albuterol, my trach cleaning supplies, all a month's worth...But the thing is, if we only went away for a weekend, I'd still need all that! That's why when we go somewhere, we stay for a while!!

Then there's all Jacob's stuff I have to, videos, things to keep an almost 3 1/2 whose never been on a trip busy for 3 days in the truck. I just wish I could cross my arms, blink my eyes, dip my head, and we'd just all be there, unpacked. I'm just thankful that my husband is the King of Packing Anything. At Costco the other day, he had things in the cart like a jigsaw puzzle. The guys at the register were like, "How on earth did you do this??" It took them two carts to get everything in. He he he. So that won't be an I mean, cuz Doug can make anything fit. It's just getting everything together. Ug. And Doug is super busy at work with the expansion yet, and trying to get the plant online, getting training for all the new stuff, and still trying to do all the other stuff he normally does! Then at home, trying to get the fishing stuff together, the boat, etc....

I'm just saying right now this better be the best vacation of our lives. Period.

Not to mention trying to homeschool my child and not being able to find anything in this pit called my office because it's where everything gets dumped that anyone doesn't want seen. Dumping grounds/classroom/Creative Memories room. Yah, right. I haven't seen my CM stuff for about a decade now...

Well, better get moving. Need to go find some cheese to go with my whine. Thanks for putting up with it!


Corrie Howe said...

Wow. I understand why vacations are so hard. I hope you do enjoy it.

Young Wife said...

That is a lot to pack! I can't even encourage you by saying how nice airport security was to us because you're driving. I've heard that boys are TOUGH to potty train. I just said a prayer for you. Hope it IS the best vacation ever!

Michie said...

We have three children and going around the corner can be a challenge with all the "stuff" that comes along with the kids.

I pray that you and your family do enjoy the vacation. Keep smiling even when it seems rough.

Stephanie Faris said...

Hahaha. Well, watching my sis and her husband pack up the car to travel with their two kids gives me an all new appreciation for our lives! My soon-to-be stepdaughter stays with us every other weekend and sometimes we pack her up and take her up to my fiance's mom's...and yeah, it's work, but nothing like packing up the car for a baby.

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