Thursday, October 30, 2008

You Know You're A Mom When....

I noticed myself doing some rather silly things the last few weeks, and thought, I have done SO many things I SWORE I would never do that MY mom did...(even though I had a great mom... she was so OLD, ya know : } So I thought I'd share of few of my "You Know You're A Mom When...." Feel free to chime in with your own! make your "to-d0" list with a crayon. wipe the snot from your baby's nose WITHOUT a kleenex. (Same goes for grabbing that booger a la natural on the hands.) know what time and channel every episode of Diego, Dora, Little Einsteins and Backyardigans are on.

....your son has more stuff recorded on your DVR than you do. stop hoping that your husband will jump up and say, "here, honey, let ME change that poopy diaper!" learn it IS possible to go a week without a complete shower and you won't die. realize there is a lot longer way to go to the edge of sanity than you thought! lick your thumb to wipe the schmutz off darling's face (even, horror of horrors, in public!) lick the palm of your hand or fingers to smooth his hair. totally understand now when you see your own mother sitting in a dark quiet room doing nothing.

And best of all, you realize that there is nothing this child could do to make you stop loving him, that he is the greatest gift God has ever in His mercy decided to bestow on you. You realize when you look into his eyes you are looking at all the best things of you and your husband combined. And you would do anything for him. You want to protect him from the world, yet know you have to prepare him for it. The thought of him hurting breaks your heart, and brings out THE Momma Bear. (Just ask our former rooster).

You realize that this is the hardest job you'll ever have, but by far the most important. You are raising the future, and literally molding a mind, and teaching a child to live for and love the Lord.

To my precious miracle baby: Mommy loves you Jacob!!


Joanna said...

You know you're a mom when you ask if anyone has go potty regardless if they are adults.

Leigh @ intentslife said...

Oh my goodness, Hannah had to break me of that habit of asking her if she needed to go potty before she went to bed. There's still something in me that cries out to ask the question - how sick is that?!?

Also, you can cook a whole meal with one hand while holding a baby/toddler, quote nursery tales and whole books from memory and whip out "the look" that speaks volumes and can stop a child dead in his or her tracks.

Karen and Gerard said...

EWW, wiping snot off with your bare hand! YUCK! Children truly are a gift from God. Glad you enjoy yours so much!

Congrats on your SITS day!

Ma What's 4 dinner said...

Ha!!! Ditto on the DVR, boogers, and licking of the fingers to clean the face. I can remember my mom doing it all too. And how about the phrases that you utter that you swear your mom must be standing beside you because you SWORE you would never say that!

Happy SITS day.

Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner?

Anonymous said...

You have really described all the little things you would probably only do for your child.

Cara said...

Lovely post Happy SITS day! We will be following you now...come by and visit/follow us!!! Be well!

Sandy said...

I can relate to all of that! Being a mom is fabulous!

Joann Mannix said...

I remember so distinctly the first day I picked up the bottom of my shirt without a second thought and wiped my baby's snotty nose. I was in the middle of a Walmart and I didn't even realize I'd done it, until after the fact. Yes, that's when you know you're a mom.

Congratulations on your SITS day!

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

My mom laughs every time I like my finger to clean my daughter's face. Apparently I was really against that as a child. I agree with every item on this list!

Laura said...

I'm always using the word "potty" & my girls are 14 & 20. Some habits are hard to break.

Happy SITS!

LisaDay said...

Motherhood is better than I ever imagined.

Happy SITS day.


Tiffany said...

Visiting from SITS. I laughed at the schmutz one! I do that ALL the time. Guilty!
I love being a mom, it's one of the best things in life.

Kimi said...

These are soooo true. I wiped my sons face in church on Sunday and you should have seen the "Ah Mom" look he gave me. Poor kids.

Mrs. Match said...

This is really cute. I love the last paragraph, so sweet. I licked my thumb and wiped something off my fiance's face the other night while watching tv. We both looked at each other and then burst out laughing. Guess I'm practicing! ;-)

Katherine said...

AHA I do EVERY single one of those things! You definitely see your own parents in a new light after children!

Unknown said...

You know you're a mom when... :)

Unknown said...

You know you're a mom when... :)

CoconutPalmDesigns said...

Yep, that wiping snot... been there, done that, never thought I would.

Jacob is gorgeous!

Happy SITS Day!

Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns

Unknown said...

I have done all those things. My addition: when a kid says "I'm gonna throw up!"...and you reach out--your CATCH it.
Oh yeah, motherhood is glamorous.
Happy SITS day!!!

KimMalk said...

Amen, sister! I also have said things I didn't ever think I'd say :).

Anonymous said...

So true!!!! And Joanna stole mine! I catch myself doing that all the time. :)

Marie said...

Ohhh I am definitely not a mom, I couldn't imagine doing any of those things, but I remember my Mom doing all of them, ha!

Miz Dinah said...'re a mom!

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