Saturday, November 24, 2012

30 Days of Thanks

Well I've been in such a foul mood from being sick and trapped in this house all month that I didn't feel very positive and thankful.  And I thought it best that I not "share" some of the things I was thankful for at the time...they were a little....well...dark. 

However, due to the faithful prayers of friends and family, God's grace, and me finally getting over that darn cold, I have finally come out of my funk!

So, without further ado:

1.  I am thankful that God always loves me and forgives me when I act like a spoiled child, pout, throw a hissy fit, and stomp my feet like a two year old.

2.  I am thankful for my husband, who although not perfect, is perfect for me.  We balance each other (mostly!) and he keeps me grounded when I start to panic or freak.

3.  I am thankful for my amazing, beautiful little boy.  He is the light of my life.  He always has a smile for me, or something incredibly sweet to say to me to cheer me up.

4.  I am thankful for my parents.  They watch Jacob when I have pheresis, and watched him last night so Doug and I could go on a "date" for the first time in I don't know how long.  

5.  I am thankful for the rest of my family, crazy as we all are.

6.  I am SO SO SO SO thankful for having an amazing Thanksgiving Day at my mom and dad's house.

7.  I am thankful that I was able to go out and shop (TWICE) yesterday, and although today I am exhausted, it was SO worth it to feel like a NORMAL person for once.  Dinner and shopping in the same night???  Without Jacob??  It was AWESOME.

8.  I am beyond thankful for all of my MG friends.  Although most of us have never met, you are closer to me than most people I HAVE met.  Without your support, love, and encouragement, I sould be in a far different place. (And it wouldn't be a good one.)

9. I am thankful for Lindt Lindor truffles. (OH MAH WORD!)

10.  I am thankful for plasmapheresis.  Even though it isn't pleasant, the schedule I am on is giving me some semblance of functional life.

11.  I am thankful for technology like the computer, internet, and phones that help me keep in touch with the people I love.

12. I am thankful for ministries like Crossroad Bible Institute and Christian Pen Pals that reach out to those in prison.

13.  I am thankful for purple things.

14.  I am thankful for bunnies.

15.  I am thankful for how excited my child gets when he sees birds at the bird feeder, and knows what kind they are.

16.  I am thankful for our military.  I am thankful for their families, for their sacrifice, and their service.  Without them, I would not be able to enjoy the freedom that I have.

17.  I am thankful that I can homeschool my son.

18.  I am thankful that my husband is so good at so many things:  if it's broken, he can fix it.  He can cook like a Top Chef, and shoot like a Top Shot.  He has built amazing gifts for me (cedar chest, hope chest, boat shaped book case, jewelry boxes).  He is ingenious.  When I came home from the hospital many years ago, he hooked up my feeding tube and bag to a fishing pole because the machine hadn't arrived yet.  He also fixed my suction machine in the middle of the night, out in the TOTAL boonies in the U.P., in the middle of winter, with an earring wire.  He's amazing!!

19.  I am thankful that my niece's baby boy Caleb (born 2 weeks ago) was healthy and that Jessie had a good delivery.

20.  I am thankful for pizza.

21.  I am thankful for the nurses at the Short Stay Unit at St. Mary's hospital.  That's where I get pheresis, and they are so sweet.  Every single one of them.  They make me feel special and cared for and comfortable every time I'm there.

22.  I'm thankful for the folks at Michigan Blood (aka Grand Valley Blood), who perform the actual pheresis procedure, and take such good care of me while I'm getting my treatments.  They watch me closely and give me 100% of their time and attention when they are there.

23.  I'm thankful for Love Inc. and all the wonderful volunteers that helped to side our house.  I am thankful for Sue Flowers, my contact at Love Inc., and my friend.

24.  I am thankful for Miss Mindy, who comes to my house every other Friday for a couple of hours.  She is a volunteer through Wings of Hope Hospice who started coming to clean, but is now a dear friend.

25.  I'm thankful for my husband's job.  It is stable, steady, reliable, and it is so wonderful to not have to worry about layoffs or things like that.  After all, everybody poops! (For those of you that don't know, my husband is the superintendent of the Wasterwater Treatment plant for the City.)

26.  I am thankful for the mornings I wake up by Jacob coming in to cuddle with me. Even though he's a big boy now, he still loves his Momma, and still wants "Mommy time" to cuddle.

27.  I am thankful that God is the God of the impossible.  Without Him in my life, I wouldn't be here, and therefore neither would Jacob.  My son is a miracle.

28.  I am thankful for the people who read this blog, and who let me know that I in some small way have touched their lives.  Thank you for reading, and thank you for letting me be me, and loving me anyway!!

29.  I am thankful for all of you who have supported my jewelry business so faithfully.  I'm thankful for every. single. sale.  I'm hoping to continue to grow my business and bring Myasthenia Gravis into everyone's awareness as much as other, more "well-known" illnesses.

30.  I am thankful for all the ups and downs in life.  I am thankful that I understand I have to have SOME down times to appreciate the good times.  After all, it is only in the dark of night that you can see the stars.

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