Monday, November 26, 2012

Just Another Monday

That's about it.  Just another Monday for me. 

Thought I'd be going crazy sending invoices and packaging orders.  Not so much.

Thought I'd be getting pheresis tomorrow....Not so much.  Jacob has a cold.  So now I have to reschedule everything.

Doug was having a fit yesterday over how cluttered and crappy the house looked.  So he cleaned his fool head off.  Yay for that.  But then I get the feeling (quite clearly) that I need to "keep up" with him.  And I can't.  And I get mad.  And he gets mad.

So I'm exhausted.  I took a shower this afternoon after I cleaned the bathroom...the magazine rack in there was a nightmare....dusty, nasty, all old crumpled magazines.  So I went through all those, put them in the burn box, vacuumed the bathroom, mudroom, dining and living rooms.  I can't lift my arms anymore.

And then I get the most beautiful gift.  An MG friend of mine sent me a notebook to keep all my medical information in.  It has all these tabs, and she even put paper in it.  And the front had my name on it in sticky foam letters, and it's amazing! And tucked in the front pocket was an awesome pair of Christmas snowflake socks!  What a blessing.  And what perfect timing.  Cuz here I was all feelin' sorry for myself, and then Doug says the mail is here.  I see advertisement after advertisement... everything junk mail, and then...One big envelope.  With my name on it. From Kimberly. 

So thank you my dear friend.  Thank you for your thoughtfulness.  And thank you God, for letting me know that there ARE people out there that I am important to.  I needed to know that today.

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